Rouse, D., Ziems, B., and Matyas, C.J. 2011 Comparison of storm-total rainfall among tropical cyclones with tracks similar to Irene (2011), delivered at the Florida Climate Institute Annual Conference and Workshop on Climate Variability and Change, November 14, Gainesville, FL.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C.J. 2011. Examining the distribution of wind speed and radar reflectivity about landfalling hurricanes using ground based radar and the H*Wind data set, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 21, Savannah, GA.
Matyas, C. J. 2011 Forcings associated with changes in the areal coverage of tropical cyclone rain fields after landfall, delivered at the Florida Climate Institute Annual Conference and Workshop on Climate Variability and Change, November 14, Gainesville, FL.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C.J. 2011 Comparisons of Hurricane Rainfall Totals as Estimated by Radar and Florida Automated Weather Network Rain Gauges, delivered at the Florida Climate Institute Annual Conference and Workshop on Climate Variability and Change, November 14, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C.J. 2012 Tropical cyclone formation in the Mozambique Channel, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 19, Asheville, NC.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C.J. 2012 Relationships between tropical cyclone warning times, rain event duration, and rain accumulation, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 19, Asheville, NC.
Matyas, C.J. 2012 The spatial patterns of rainfall produced by Hurricane Irene (2011) and other tropical cyclones with similar track, delivered at the American Meteorological Society’s 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 17, Ponte Vedra, FL.
Matyas, C.J. 2012 The influence of the diurnal cycle on rain field size in landfalling tropical cyclones, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, February 24, New York, NY.
Matyas, C. J. 2013 Associations between the diurnal cycle and rain field size after tropical cyclone landfall, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 25, Roanoke, VA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2013 Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Moisture Budgets in the North American Regional Reanalysis, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 25, Roanoke, VA.
Matyas, C. J. 2013 The changing sizes of tropical cyclone rainfall regions near the time of Florida landfall, delivered at the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Applications Workshop, November 12, College Park, MD.
Zick, S. and Matyas, C. J. 2013 Thermodynamic predictors of tropical cyclone rainfall distributions delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 11, Los Angeles, CA.
Hernandez-Ayala, J. J. and Matyas, C.J. 2013 Spatial climatology of rainfall associated with tropical cyclones for the island of Puerto Rico, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 11, Los Angeles, CA.
Matyas, C.J. 2013 A TRMM-based analysis of tropical cyclone rainfall regions over land and water, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10, Los Angeles, CA.
Matyas, C. J. 2013 Hurricanes at landfall: rain-field sizes and their relationship to environmental conditions, delivered at the Symposium for Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities, April 2, Gainesville, FL.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C.J. 2013 Relationships between tropical cyclone warning times, rain event duration, and rain accumulation, delivered at the Symposium for Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities, April 2, Gainesville, FL.
Tang, J. and Matyas, C.J. 2013 Geospatial properties of tropical cyclone rain bands as detected by ground-based radar, delivered at the Symposium for Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities, April 2, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C.J. and Tang, J. 2013 Geospatial properties of tropical cyclone rain bands as detected by ground-based radar, delivered at the 29th Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies at the 93rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, January 7, Austin, TX.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Moisture budgets in major US landfalling hurricanes & implications for rainfall, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 24, Athens, GA.
Matyas, C. J. 2014 Atmospheric and storm-relative conditions associated with large rain-field areas when tropical cyclones approach Florida, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 24, Athens, GA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Moisture budgets in major US landfalling hurricanes & implications for rainfall, delivered at the 10th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems, September 15, Boulder, CO.
Matyas, C. J. and Tang, J. 2014 Using a geographic information system to quantify the spatial arrangement of tropical cyclone rainbands as detected by ground-based radar, delivered at the 10th International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems, September 15, Boulder, CO. MatyasICMCStalk
Tang, J. and Matyas, C.J. 2014 Measuring spatial-temporal pattern of three-dimensional structures of convective rainbands in landfalling tropical cyclones, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 11, Tampa, FL.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Comparing tropical cyclone rain events to the passage of size criteria, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10, Tampa, FL.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C.J. 2014 Measuring the width of rainfall fields produced by landfalling tropical cyclones, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10, Tampa, FL.
Wang, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Characterizing the different land cover types that U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones have crossed, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10, Tampa, FL.
Guo, Q. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 The relationship between size and rainfall distribution of Atlantic tropical cyclones prior to making landfall, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 10, Tampa, FL.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Moisture budgets in US landfalling tropical cyclones and implications for rainfall, , delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 9, Tampa, FL.
Matyas, C. J. 2014 Measuring the degree of closure of tropical cyclone outer rainbands and inner core, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 9, Tampa, FL.
Hernandez-Ayala, J. J. and Matyas, C.J. 2014 Multiple atmospheric teleconnections control of rainfall in the island of Puerto Rico, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 8, Tampa, FL.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Assessment of tropical cyclone kinematic and thermodynamic structures in the North American Regional Reanalysis, delivered at the American Meteorological Society’s 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 1, San Diego, CA.
Comstock, I. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 The timing of hurricane rain events along the coastal United States, delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 5, Atlanta, GA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 Assessment of tropical cyclone moisture budgets and thermodynamics in the North American Regional Reanalysis, delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 5, Atlanta, GA.
Matyas, C. J. 2014 Tropical cyclones in the Mozambique Channel: relationships with atmospheric teleconnections, delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 4, Atlanta, GA.
Tang, J. and Matyas, C.J. 2014 Spatial analysis infrastructure for tropical cyclones observation from ground-based Doppler radar towards big data and cloud computing, delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 3, Atlanta, GA.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C.J. 2014 Measuring the width of rainfall swaths produced by landfalling tropical cyclones over the northeastern U.S., delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 3, Atlanta, GA.
Kamrath, C. R. and Matyas, C. J. 2014 A TRMM precipitation rate analysis of the extratropical transitioning (ET) of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic, delivered at the 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, February 2, Atlanta, GA.
DesRosiers, A., Matyas, C. J., Afmuth, J. 2015 Analysis of distances of landfalling tropical cyclone events, watches, and warnings from track and landfalling location, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 22, Pensacola, FL.
Matyas, C. J., Stepp, J. R, Orians, C., Ahmed, S., Griffin, T., Cash, S., Robbat, A. 2015 Precipitation variability at three tea-growing sites in China, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 23, Pensacola, FL.
Matyas, C. J., Tang, J, Zick, S. E. 2015 Performing spatial analysis on tropical cyclone rainband structures after creating a 3D Mosaic of WSR-88D reflectivity data using a map-reduce framework and a Geographic Information System (GIS), delivered at the 37th conference on Radar Meteorology, September 16, Norman, OK.
Zick, S. E., Matyas, C. J. 2015 Tropical cyclones in the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR): Impact of satellite-derived precipitation assimilation over ocean, delivered at the 37th conference on Radar Meteorology, September 17, Norman, OK.
Tang, J., Matyas, C. J. 2015 Identifying spatial evolution of convective rainbands in landfalling hurricanes using high-resolution Doppler radar mosaic, delivered at the 5th International Summit of Hurricanes and Climate Change, June 11, Chania, Greece.
Yan, G. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 Spatial Rainfall Distribution of Different Hurricane, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 24, Chicago, IL.
Kim, S. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 The relationship between TC motion and soil moisture, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 23, Chicago, IL.
Wang, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 Detecting land surface processes influencing rainfall timing of Tropical Cyclones after landfall in United States from 1998 to 2010, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 23, Chicago, IL.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 Variations of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation over the Eastern United States (1948 -2011), , delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 23, Chicago, IL.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 Geometries in Moisture Budgets of US Landfalling Tropical Cyclones & Implications for Rainfall, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 23, Chicago, IL.
Matyas, C. J. 2015 Measuring tropical cyclones and their rainfall using multiple datasets and analytical techniques, delivered at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, April 23, Chicago, IL.
Matyas, C. J. 2015 Measuring gaps in tropical cyclone rainbands using Level II radar reflectivity data, delivered at the 69th annual Interdepartmental Hurricanes Conference, March 3, Jacksonville, FL.
Matyas, C. J. 2015 Florida Hurricanes, delivered at the Florida Museum of Natural History Science Café, February 9, Newberry, FL.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2015 Estimating spatial variation of tropical cyclone precipitation over the eastern United States, delivered at the Florida Society of Geographers Annual Meeting, February 7, Jacksonville, FL.
Matyas, C. J. 2015 A GIS analysis of rain field size for tropical cyclones before and after landfall using data from TRMM, delivered at the 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, January 8, Phoenix, AZ.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Spatial characteristics of rain fields associated with tropical cyclones making landfall over eastern United States, delivered at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15, San Francisco, CA.
Allen, S. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Quadrant analysis of tropical cyclone Leon-Eline, delivered at the Santa Fe College Honors Symposium, December 2, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C. J., Zick, S. E., and Tang, J. 2016 Assessing bias in simulated radar reflectivity values for a landfalling hurricane, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 21, Columbia, SC.
Wang, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Simulating effects of land surface characteristics on tropical cyclone rainfall pattern using Hurricane Nature Run (HNR) and Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Model, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 21, Columbia, SC.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Spatial analysis of tropical cyclone rain fields for storms making landfall in the Southeast United States using TRMM satellite data, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 21, Columbia, SC.
Tang, J. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Radar Toolkit for ArcGIS – Bringing easy radar data processing to Geographers, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 21, Columbia, SC.
Heslar, M., Matyas, C.J., and Hernandez Ayala, J.J. 2016 Improving rainfall estimations through the spatial analysis of tropical cyclone rainfall rates over Puerto Rico using TRMM, delivered at the Association of American Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 20, Columbia, SC.
Matyas, C. J., Zick. S. E., Tang, J. 2016 Using shape metrics to compare observed and simulated reflectivity during the landfall of Hurricane Isabel (2003), delivered at the 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 21, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Tang, J., Wang, Y., Matyas C. J. 2016 Comparing rainfall of landfalling tropical cyclones on spatial mixed and fractional mixed landuse using natural run simulation, delivered at the 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 21, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Zick. S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Evolving synoptic-scale precipitation patterns in U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones, delivered at the 32n d Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 21, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kim, S. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 The effect of precipitable water on the amount of rainfall and the rain-field size for tropical cyclone landfall, delivered at the 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 19, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Spatial analysis of rainfall patterns of tropical cyclones making landfall in Southeast United States, delivered at the 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, April 19, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Matyas, C. J. and Zhou, Y. 2016 Relating environmental conditions to storm shape for tropical cyclones landfalling over the western Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 31, San Francisco, CA.
Yan, G. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 The influences of ENSO and the subtropical Indian Ocean Dipole on tropical cyclone frequency in the southwestern Indian Ocean, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 1, San Francisco, CA.
Wang, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Detecting effects of spatial patterns of land surface on tropical cyclone rainfall structure using Hurricane Nature Run (HNR) with Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Model, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 31, San Francisco, CA.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Spatial characteristics of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones over eastern U.S., delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 31, San Francisco, CA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Environmental conditions associated with evolving tropical cyclone synoptic-scale precipitation structure in the Gulf of Mexico region, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 31, San Francisco, CA. (Third place CSG Student Paper Competition)
Tang, J. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Parallel spatial analysis scheme for processing large volume of weather radar data, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 29, San Francisco, CA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Impact of precipitation assimilation on tropical cyclone structure in the NARR, delivered at the 12th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, January 13, New Orleans, LA.
Tang, J. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Radar toolkit for ArcGIS – Bringing easy radar data processing to Geographers, delivered at the Sixth Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python, January 12, New Orleans, LA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. 2016 Evolving geometries in the moisture budgets and precipitation structures of US Gulf Coast landfalling hurricanes, delivered at the Special Symposium on Hurricane Katrina: Progress in Leveraging Science, Enhancing Response and Improving Resilience, January 11, New Orleans, LA.
Matyas, C. J., Tang, J., Comstock, I. J., Zick, S. E. 2016 A spatial analysis of Hurricane Katrina’s outer rainbands prior to landfall in Louisiana, delivered at the Special Symposium on Hurricane Katrina: Progress in Leveraging Science, Enhancing Response and Improving Resilience, January 11, New Orleans, LA.
VanSchoick, S., and Matyas, C. 2017. Examining rain rates in tropical cyclones affecting Madagascar and Mozambique, delivered at the 2017 Santa Fe College Honors Symposium, December 1, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C. J. and Tang, J. 2017 Measuring changes in dispersion and closure of rainbands in two landfalling tropical cyclones, delivered at the American Association of Geographers South East Division Annual Meeting, November 19, Starkville, MS.
Matyas, C. J. 2017 Conditions for hurricane formation and analysis of their rainfall patterns, delivered to the Department of Geography at the University of North Alabama, November 17, Florence, AL.
Matyas, C. J., 2017 Hurricanes: From formation to landfall, delivered at the Physics Department Seminar Series, November 2, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C. J., Tang, J. Zick, S. E. and Schneider, M. 2017 Changes in the radial and tangential distribution of radar reflectivity during tropical cyclone landfalls over the United States, delivered at the 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology, August 29, Chicago, IL.
Tang, J., Park, K., Matyas, C.J., and Schneider, M. 2017 Design a fast multi-radar gridding algorithm on modern CPU and GPU hardware, delivered at the 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology, August 29, Chicago, IL.
Matyas, C. J., Zhou, Y. 2017 A climatological analysis of the extent of rainfall produced over the U.S. by Atlantic Basin tropical cyclones, delivered at the 23rd Conference on Applied Climatology, June 26, Asheville, NC.
Matyas, C. J. and Tang, J. 2017 Defining the spatial properties of precipitation features using data from the WSR-88D network, delivered at the LROSE Kick-off Workshop, National Center for Atmospheric Research, April 11, Boulder, CO.
Tang, J. and Matyas, C. J. 2017 Fast gridding of data from multiple radars, delivered at the LROSE Kick-off Workshop, National Center for Atmospheric Research, April 11, Boulder, CO.
Matyas, C.J. Zick, S. E., and Tang, J. 2017 Comparing the spatial arrangement of rainband structures observed and simulated for Hurricane Isabel (2003), delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 9, Boston, MA.
Zick, S. E. and Matyas, C. J. (Presenting Author) 2017 A global study of synoptic-scale changes in tropical cyclone structure & the relationship to large-scale moisture, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 6, Boston, MA.
Zhou, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2017 Rainfall size and variability of U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones over land and ocean, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 8, Boston, MA.
Wang, Y. and Matyas, C. J. 2017 Simulating effects of land cover/use changes on landfalling tropical cyclone rainfall patterns using Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model, delivered at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 6, Boston, MA.
Allen, S. and Matyas, C. J. 2017 Satellite-based quadrant analysis of tropical cyclones in the South Indian Ocean, delivered at the 45th Annual Southern Regional Honors Council, March 31, Asheville, NC.
DesRosiers, Alexander J. and Matyas, C. J. 2017 Analysis of flood events, watches, and warning in tropical cyclones impacting the U.S., delivered at the University of Florida Undergraduate Research Symposium, March 23, Gainesville, FL.
Matyas, C. J. 2018 Analyzing the spatial dimensions of the rain fields of tropical cyclones, delivered at the Department of Geosciences Colloquium Series at Georgia State University, March 1, Atlanta, GA.
Matyas, C. J. and VanSchoick, S. 2018 Spatial analysis of rain rates for tropical cyclones affecting Madagascar and Mozambique, delivered at the 32nd Conference on Hydrology, January 9, Austin, TX.