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Donielle Rouse


Donielle received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida in 2013.

She majored in Mechanical Engineering and also received the Certificate in Meteorology and Climatology offered through the Department of Geography.

She served as President of the University of Florida chapter of the American Meteorological Society 2012-2013.

She volunteered her time to work on hurricane research in 2011 and 2012.

She is working as the head tutor and mentor for underprivileged children and teens for a locally based organization in Jacksonville, Florida.

Conference Presentations:

Rouse, D., Ziems, B., and Matyas, C.J. 2011 Comparison of storm-total rainfall among tropical cyclones with tracks similar to Irene (2011), delivered at the Florida Climate Institute Annual Conference and Workshop on Climate Variability and Change, November 14, Gainesville, FL.